CEP Workshop: The 4RNetwork — Creating A Community of Practice

CEP Workshop: The 4RNetwork — Creating A Community of Practice

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) is pleased to invite you to the first Radicalization, Rehabilitation, Reintegration, and Recidivism Network (4R Network) workshop.
During this workshop, CEP’s Dr. Juncal Fernandez-Garayzabal and Beyond Conflict’s Dr. Vivian Khedari DePierro will give attendees a

من الفرار إلى الحرية

من الفرار إلى الحرية

يروي لاجئ سوري قصته عن الصدمة التي سببها فراره من منزله و منشأه، وكيف يعمل الآن على تحرير نفسه والآخرين.

انا اسمي يوسف رشيد. عمري 31 سنة وأنا من سوريا.

في البداية، اعتقدت أن الاحتجاجات ستكون

From Fleeing To Freeing

From Fleeing To Freeing

A Syrian refugee shares his story on how fleeing his home left him traumatized and how he is working to free himself and others.

My name is Yousef Rasheed. I am 31 years old, and I