Mitigating the Threat of Polarization in Nigeria’s Democratic System

Mitigating the Threat of Polarization in Nigeria’s Democratic System

March 28, 2023 — Amidst reports of voter intimidation, voter suppression, vote-buying, rigging, violence, and ethnic profiling during the recent general elections in Nigeria, the country’s extremely diverse society has become increasingly – dangerously – polarized.    
Since Nigeria gained independence

من الفرار إلى الحرية

من الفرار إلى الحرية

يروي لاجئ سوري قصته عن الصدمة التي سببها فراره من منزله و منشأه، وكيف يعمل الآن على تحرير نفسه والآخرين.

انا اسمي يوسف رشيد. عمري 31 سنة وأنا من سوريا.

في البداية، اعتقدت أن الاحتجاجات ستكون

From Fleeing To Freeing

From Fleeing To Freeing

A Syrian refugee shares his story on how fleeing his home left him traumatized and how he is working to free himself and others.

My name is Yousef Rasheed. I am 31 years old, and I

From Being Targeted To Building Peace

From Being Targeted To Building Peace

A local peacebuilder shares his story on how his life being at stake inspired him to make a change in his community.

My name is Michael Olufemi Sodipo. I have lived in Kano, Northern

Building Bridges Towards Equality

Building Bridges Towards Equality

New study provides insights into how intergroup contact should be structured to promote support for social change

By Alexander Levy-Vene and Lily Winston Grob, Beyond Conflict Fellows
In the face of global social division and conflict,

حول وصمة العار والحواجز الأخرى التي تقف أمام العناية بالصحة العقلية

حول وصمة العار والحواجز الأخرى التي تقف أمام العناية بالصحة العقلية

في صيفٍ حارٍّ جدًّا من عام 2012، كنتُ مستلقية على الكنبة وأطرافي ترتجف. فلم يغمض لي جفنٌ منذ أيامٍ، وكنتُ أبذل قصارى جهدي لاحتباس دموعي بينما أستمع إلى أفراد

About Stigma and Other Barriers to Mental Health Care

This series uses a first-person account to challenge the stigma associated with mental health issues. Using narrative form paired with illustrations, we will identify signs of psychological distress and take a closer look at our own attitudes toward mental health.

سلسلة “تحت المجهر: مقدمة إلى بداية جديدة”

سلسلة “تحت المجهر: مقدمة إلى بداية جديدة” (Through the Magnifying Glass: An Introduction to a New Beginning)

تعتمد هذه السلسلة على الرواية بصيغة المتكلم بهدف التصدي لوصمة العار التي تلازم المسائل ذات الصلة بالصحة العقلية. فعبر استخدام النمط السردي المدعّم

Through the Magnifying Glass: An Introduction to a New Beginning

This series uses a first-person account to challenge the stigma associated with mental health issues. Using narrative form paired with illustrations, we will identify signs of psychological distress and take a closer look at our own attitudes toward mental health.